If you process credit cards each month and need fast cash up front, our Merchant Advance Loan provider can extend the credit you need to keep business moving. Our founders have personally used this company for these exact services, and their services come with the official Bizology stamp of approval. They’re the real deal!
Merchant cash advances provide your business with an alternative to other financing, like traditional bank loans.
If you process credit cards each month and need fast cash up front, our Merchant Advance Loan provider can extend the credit you need to keep business moving.
Any qualifying party in need of fast credit to expand their business.
I contacted Bizology for my printing needs and they plugged me into SameDayPrinting.com, which was absolutely amazing for the marketing materials I needed for my real estate company.
Founder of Boswell Realty
We own an ecommerce and electronic store at the mall and do over seven figures in volume, and we needed to find a cheaper and better solution for credit card processing. The Bizology portal partner reached out to me immediately, gave me a proposal and we signed up. We are so happy we did this.
Vice-President of Broadcast HUB
We run a successful luxury car business in Atlanta and we needed to find a better payroll service. We reached out to the folks at Bizology and they put us in contact with a Payroll Specialist who set us up within a couple days. Thank you Bizolgy!
ACE/Auto Concierge